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I am 100% unhealthy

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Although it may not seem like it, rest is as important as exercising and eating correctly. As a society, we sleep less whether it's for work, school and in many cases for fun.

However, a short sleep affects our judgment, temperament, ability to learn, causing our daily performance to drop, and makes us look and feel terrible, but the countenance is the least of the consequences. According to science, not having a good rest affects the hippocampus area of the brain, which is responsible for processing positive impulses. 

A good rest is not only beneficial but necessary for our health. Since during sleep hormones are released that help fight infections. In this way we lend a hand to the body to avoid diseases and stay healthy. When we sleep well we are ready to reach our full potential.

It is a very good habit to start with a calm, happy and very productive life.

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Yes, it's a pretty hackneyed topic, but it's completely true. "Eating healthy" as everyone says, is not only eating fruits and vegetables, it is balancing and maintaining all the nutrients that the body requires, to stay active, have a healthy appearance and most importantly... cause optimal functioning of the organs._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

How could one live and enjoy life to the fullest if we have to go to the doctor every 15 days to get a supply of medicines because something is wrong?... 70% of the visits to the doctor are related to a bad diet. Little by little the body deteriorates by eating what we like and not what suits us, without really thinking about the damage we are causing ourselves by not establishing a balance in our food.

A healthy weight will avoid all the bad consequences of being overweight and even obese. Making small changes in diet will significantly improve our lives. It's time to try, everything can be improved

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I would like to get into the matter clarifying two definitions, the first is that cleaning refers to eliminating dirt and microbes while hygiene refers to a lifestyle where everything is clean in a timely manner from the personal, family, and environmental aspects. environment and pets.

 Like any of the other habits is very important since taking care of this aspect of our life gives our brain order, keeps us safer in our social relationships and increases our self-esteem, we can say that hygiene is taking care of ourselves.

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Many will think that physical exercise is only to lose weight, or those who are already thin to get muscular, and yes, that is also what it is for, but that is not only what exercise is for.

Physical exercise must be done at least 4 times a week, 30 minutes a day to raise the heart rate constantly and have the habit of activating your muscles so that it can be considered physical activity.

Some of its benefits: Radiant skin, strengthening the immune system, improving blood circulation, helping to strengthen self-esteem, and a more pleasant body.

By exercising every day, the first healthy habit on this list will be favored: rest! Since at bedtime we will be more physically tired having a restful and deep sleep.

We can start by doing 10 squats where you are. Or just taking one more walk before getting home.

There are many options on the Internet Seven minutes workout, no equipment is required, no registration to a gym, it can be done at home.

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It probably seems like it's a new topic because it's trendy, but no, in fact, it's an age-old practice based on spiritual quest. It is an experience of fulfillment that is intended to elevate consciousness to another degree. Calming the mind, reflecting on each word, each thought and each action that is carried out. It is a deep and prolonged concentration. It is the conscious rest of the mind to relax the body and soul. It is to be able to give balance and balance to our lives; it's only 10 minutes of awareness a day. The mind is our most valuable and precious resource, through which we experience moments of life; we depend on it to be happy, satisfied and emotionally stable. In the same way we depend to concentrate, to be creative. However, we never take the time to care for her. We spend more time taking care of material things, which causes us the stress in which we live every day, we are distracted.

I would like to clarify that meditation is not only a medicine for the mind, it is a better appreciation and understanding of our present. The best of all this is that this is the best positive and practical technique to keep our mind healthy to be more aware.
It only takes 10 minutes a day to impact our entire lives. It is so simple, that this will be the habit that you will want to change the fastest: Get familiar with the present time, not try to control the mind. Just let yourself be carried away by thoughts, step back to get a different perspective and bring focus, calm and clarity to our life.

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Exercising the mind allows us to avoid problems such as Parkinson's disease, and many other diseases, such as achieving better concentration and stimulation of both hemispheres of the brain through board games (chess, cards, etc.), painting, listening to music, or better yet play a musical instrument (violin, drums, electric bass, etc.)

What is the purpose of changing habits for healthier ones? Or why have comprehensive wellness? 70% of the diseases we acquire are due to our incorrect habits. It all boils down to not having diseases and leading a full and happy life without having to spend time in hospitals or money on medicines. Be physically and mentally healthy. Time is precious and life is short. Our responsibility is to live it as if each day were the last day of our lives.

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